Revise listing information fields

The following fields from the Revise Listing Information form may be accessible when you enter or revise a listing (depending on your MLS's setup). Here are brief explanations:

Property Subtype - If your MLS has set up property subtypes within the property type, a listing may be assigned to a primary subtype, and in some cases up to two additional property subtypes.


If your MLS handles rural properties, then within the Residential property type you may have a Rural Residence subtype and a Single Family Dwelling subtype. A house that is on a 50-acre lot could be assigned to both subtypes. Anyone searching for Rural Residence would find this listing, as would anyone searching for Single Family Dwelling.

Public Viewable* - This is a yes/no field. Select No if you do not want your listing to be accessible in a public search.

Show Address to Public* - This is a yes/no field. Select No if you do not want the address to display when the listing is viewed in a public search.

Picture Provided by - This field determines whether the property needs to be photographed by the MLS photographer (if applicable). The options are:

Agent = You intend to provide the listing picture, if any.

Photographer = You want the MLS photographer to take pictures of the property. (The listing will show on the Photographer Report.)

Both = You want the MLS photographer to take pictures of the property, AND you also plan to upload some pictures yourself. (The listing will show on the Photographer Report.)

None = The listing will not have any pictures.

Photographer Instructions - Type brief instructions for the photographer, if desired. (These will show on the Photographer Report.)

*NOTE: These fields apply only if your MLS offers public access to listing data.

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